Sunday, March 1, 2009

Two More Weeks oF Count

I think it is going pretty good for our route. It was counted last year and under counted as the smallest route in our office, which is utterly ridickulus {spelling is ment to be that way} With more businesses, and heavy traffic for that rural area. The time is adjusted to come in half a hour later and finish a hour sooner than the other routes, You have non stop work, with barely time to pee, UGH!! So I hope this straightens out. Saturday we had phonebooks with detached labels, postcard size. They counted as 2 box holders. Never in the history of our office did we ever have to take them out in one day......It was equivalent to a TON of wieght. Box holder my ass.....Those phonebooks were thicker than all of the box holders we take out all week long. They should have been listed as a flat! The size of a thick magazine like the O magazine, thicker than People, Time or Life put together......I think it was another way for the postal service to screw us......with out getting any pleasure out of it......Thank God only 2 more weeks till te end of count then all can see how bad or hopefully good they have done. Remember to hold onto your mail on windy days and that will help with having to get out to pick up a freaking detached label!!

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